About the AMA

Dedication Page


Photo Gallery

Contact Page

Favorite Links

Misc. Flying Stuff

Weather page

The Past
Well, it all began with two students of Lowell High School. Each of us (Gambler & Midnight) had a major obsession with flight, and we wanted others to know the joy of being free in the air, just you and your aircraft. So, we decided to share it and start a club.

We needed a name. We needed advertising. Luckily, Gambler had a great deal of experience in both catogories. Gambler came up with the name. It was originally called the "Flight Club", but the both of them both thought it was WAY to general. So, the next name was the "American Men of Aviation"...but yet again, we didn't like it. For mainly one reason...what if we had women join? What would we do? We were going to change it to "Ameican Men and Women of Aviation"...but that didn't exactly sound right. But then, Gambler had an idea. Gambler thought to his self, "why not just name it what we are?". So he told Midnight, and Midnight agreed with Gambler...it was going to be named the "American Masters of Aviation". No ifs, ands, or buts.

At that time, all the AMA was is just a lunch time club. But, it was voted by all the members that we expand, and create a web site, so thousands of people can see it and join. Which is part of our goal, "The more the merrier".

The Present
Now, after only about a week and a half, we have 5 members (and still looking for more) and have just luanched our web site. If you read the history of the AMA, then we're sure that you noticed that we change fast. So, make sure to visit our site often. It tends to get changed every week or two. The AMA has succesfully trained 2 pilots already. The AMA's hobbie is to (obviously) fly, and also to train up-coming pilots.

To use pretty much all (not EVERYTHING, but almost) you need to have some sort of Flight Simulating game for your computer. The Following are the best and most used in order from the most frequent to the least used:
Flight Simulator 2002 (Regular)
Flight Simulator 2002 (Professional Edition)
Combat Flight Simulator 1
Combat Flight Simulator 3
Flight Simulator 98

All the members of the AMA STRONGLY suggest that you us the regular FS2002

And The Future
In the future, the AMA hopes to accomplish the following goals:
*Get 100 members
*Train More than 95 up-coming pilots
*Someday go international
*Redesign our flight training program
*Successfully beat the record for most flights in a month(Midnight 46)
And the only way to accomplish our goals is to have a lot of people sign up. So please, if you haven't already, become a member of the American Masters of Aviation. Tell all your friends, family and fellow students to visit this web site and sign up to become a member!

Thanx !!!

Questions? Comments? Concerns?
Send us an e-mail(but make sure to have the subject read, if you have one, "AMA" or it will be considered junk mail, which gets deleted automatically !!!

Want to see the AMA's partner in flying?Click the link below !
Twin Site to the AMA


Created by (yet again) Gambler